Requesting Our Services 

Requests for our services can be initiated as simple as calling our main line or filling out a referral form with the client’s information, and the reason for services. Our intake department will check client’s eligibility and will inform referral source if client is eligible for services. Targeted Case Management Services will be initiated once the client meets eligibility requirements for the program which include:

  • Medicaid Eligibility.
  • Copy of Psychiatric or Psychosocial evaluation.
  • Is a risk of being institutionalized/hospitalized or has recently been released from and institution/hospital for his/her mental illness.
  • Regional will admit client within 24 hours after referral and copy of progress notes are received.



Regional Management Care, Inc. understands that the client’s mental health providers, physicians, psychiatrists, family, and friends are an important part of the client’s overall health.

We will work closely with all agencies, providers, family members, and friends who provide services and support to our client so that we may monitor the client’s level of assimilation to the treatment plan and goals created for the client. We will advocate for the client, and make sure any and all services the client is qualified for are provided without prejudice to the client. Communication between providers to assist the client is essential to their mental health recovery. Progress reports will be provided to each provider/agency that is in care coordination with Regional Management Care Inc. and the client.

Referral Form

Reason for Referral:

Referral Information

Official Use Only